Andrea is a professional writer, ghostwriter, writing coach, and book editor for clients worldwide. She earned the title Best Selling International Author in 2015. Her specialization is writing nonfiction on business, social issues, economics, health, wellness, coaching, and current events. However, Andrea edits fiction and nonfiction. Her favorite genres are literary fiction, historical fiction, suspense, and light romance. She holds a graduate degree in corporate leadership with an emphasis in instructional design and an undergraduate degree in behavioral science. She is also a member of the Editorial Freelance Association.
From 2021 to 2023, Andrea has assisted over 250 new authors with their books through coaching, editing, and ghostwriting. Her book The Gatekeeper's Keys: Book Dream to Published Reality Unlocked! is an authorship reference guide for new authors. She has answered common questions and hurdles that new authors face while providing tips, tricks, and truths about writing and publishing that can be hard to find.
More About Andrea and Her Story
I have always enjoyed research, reading, and writing. I have a master's degree, two undergraduate degrees, and an associate's degree paired with several licenses and certifications to prove it! I love being given a subject to research and write about. However, I never considered the option as a full-time career. It was more of a hobby unless I was writing for a class.
One day, several years ago, I set out on a mission to see if I could have my name on a bestseller list. I had no idea what I was doing. I contacted a publisher, and they were more than happy to get me there—for a price. Unfortunately, I did not realize how embarrassing that experience would be, and I did not understand the process or the consequences of what was about to happen.
I hit the bestseller list on Amazon in the US, Australia, and Europe. But it seemed I had bargained with a genie in a lamp. The book was a collaboration with other authors, and my part was terrible. I learned it did not take much to become a bestseller. I also learned that being a bestseller did not have teeth in many cases. So, I went back to my corner—back to reality—and licked my wounds. I continued to write and worked to improve my craft.
Along the way, I found some people would read blog posts, articles, and social media blips. So, this gave me an outlet to write and that I did! I have blogged on and off for over a decade now. I have deleted more blog posts than most people write in a lifetime. And most of this writing revolved around real estate because—well, my real job was in real estate sales.
While I love writing about real estate trends and doing market research, after a while, I needed to write about other things. So, I would blog about recipes, family, business, children, and almost anything else. Yet, I felt that I often could not justify spending the time on it.
In 2018, our twins turned eighteen, and my husband began to dream about retirement—and moving. I told him I needed a five-year plan to decide what I wanted to do in his retirement (he is older and was not ready!). I figured now is the time! So, I began freelance writing and editing. After all, I had written and turned in more papers than any person should in a lifetime. My research and writing had been critiqued and graded for two decades. I have been a mentor, a coach, a motivational speaker, and educated in instructional design.
So, I started off slow and easy on Fiverr offering inexpensive editing and writing services. I took some online classes to improve my skill set. During 2020, with the pandemic, writing kept me sane and busy and brought some joy. It gave me breathing room to really commit. So, I started writing and editing regularly for others. I am still unsure how I grew a client base—it is all a blur. However, I can say that I now write, coach, and edit daily for paying clients worldwide.
I have written, ghostwritten, or edited books that have reached Amazon's bestseller status. The feedback has been nothing but positive, and I am loving it!
Andrea Lard, Author and Owner
Andrea's book The Gatekeeper's Keys hit the top 20 it's first week on Amazon in 2024.
There is a secret sauce to becoming a best selling author. I reached International Best Seller status in 2015 and ready to help you do the same!
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